How to give feedback

Click on the feedback button on the left side of your screen.

What’s New

Based on your feedback, emerging trends, and research, we consistently evaluate and update our curriculum, supporting materials, and educator experience. Have an idea? Please share your feedback.


August 19, 2024

We’ve made several improvements for the 2024-25 school year for grades K-5. The lessons have not changed in substance, but some supporting materials and processes have been improved based on your feedback.

  • Improved surveys
    • We’re using Survey Monkey to allow us cleaner data from the pre-curriculum and post-curriculum surveys that are critical to Emily’s Hope’s goal to move the curriculum from promising practice to evidence-based
    • Revised questions to focus less on the student’s test-taking abilities and more on the content
    • Visuals added to all answers to support multiple learning styles
    • Ability to request a report after teaching the curriculum to see student outcomes at the classroom or district level
    • Clearer instructions for educators on how to administer the surveys
  • New interactive activities
    • 4th Grade – Medication Safety: Interactive Good Choice / Bad Choice game
    • 5th Grade – My Brain on Substances: Interactive The Stroop Effect game
  • Added American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Mindsets and Behavior standards to each lesson
  • 5th grade e-Book
  • Vocabulary definitions added to all lesson plans
  • Added step to “review I can… statements” to all lesson plans
  • Edits to exit tickets
  • Grammatical changes
  • Enhanced navigation in Teacher Hub
  • Re-enrollment processes for schools

What’s next?

  • Help Center (coming this fall)
  • Middle school pilot program (coming this school year)
  • Educator training modules


September 4, 2023

The Emily’s Hope Substance Use Prevention Curriculum was launched for grades K-5 with our new interactive Teacher Hub.


November 4, 2022

The Emily’s Hope Substance Use Prevention curriculum launched a pilot program for third-grade.